Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dear Nimrod

Dear Nimrod: A person can say that good is bad and bad is good; that men are women and women are men; that human beings are autonomous, self-defining, evolving organisms who don’t need their Creator or the companionship of others. Though you were to spend a thousand years constructing such an edifice to your humanist version of reality, you will never succeed, nor will it ever come to be…because you have done so in defiance of Almighty God who is the Beginning and End of all things. I urge you to remember three things: 1) You are accountable to Almighty God, and will give account to Him for your life. 2) If you’re not prepared to die, you’re not prepared to live. 3) There is one path to forgiveness and reconciliation with God, and that is the substitutionary punishment and death of Jesus Christ which He endured for you because He loves you. This is also the only means of restoration of your true, God-ordained purpose as a human being made in God’s image. Will you respond to His call in your life, or will you continue to harden your heart against Him and ignore Him to your own destruction? The choice is yours.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Everyday Choices in the Blazing Furnace

“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-18 As with every story in the bible, God used this one to teach us important lessons that have immediate application in our lives here and now. Two of these lessons are as follows: 1) If we choose to honor God in our daily choices instead of the idols that vie for our loyalty, e.g., popularity, comfort, self-aggrandizement, it will cause the people in our spheres of influence to recognize the reality of God and His greatness. 2) When we act on Christ’s command to take up our crosses daily and follow Him, we find our true lives hidden with Christ in God. “When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then we also will be revealed with Him in glory” Colossians 3:4 “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’” Jeremiah 6:16a

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ray Nethery...the man who walks with God

Integrity…Strength of character…Humility…Love… …these are some of the words that come to mind when I think about one of the most important individuals in my life. I first met Ray Nethery shortly after arriving at Grace Haven Farm in Mansfield, Ohio in October of 1973. Ray’s formidable size was tempered by his open, yet firm, demeanor. He sat gazing at me from across his desk, which was located in a Swiss-style chateau called “The Lodge” that was located in the center of the larger Grace Haven community, a composite of houses, barns, ponds, fields, and undulating hills. The pungent smells of Tom Nichols’ candle-making factory on the first floor of the Lodge contributed to the uniquely captivating feel of this very special place. I gathered my thoughts as Ray sized me up from across his desk. My teenage years had been a roller coaster. I had searched for meaning and purpose in life but had repeatedly come up empty. Now, I had made the decision to go to Grace Haven in one, last desperate attempt to get the answers I craved. My long hair and hippie clothes may have appeared intimidating to some but, on the inside, I was a vulnerable, scared, and somewhat suspicious 18 year-old kid…and Ray wasn’t! “Uh...Mr. Nethery…I’ll be glad to do the farm work”, I said, “but I’d like to skip the bible study part in the mornings…Sir.” Ray looked me right in my eyes – no, right in my soul - and said, “We’re simple people here. You’ll do the program the way it was designed.” “OK”, I replied. Three days after arriving at Grace Haven, while lying on the top bunk of a bed in Ray’s basement where several other young men were staying, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Ray may not have known this, but Jesus Christ also lived in his basement, and He changed me forever…in one night…October 16, 1973. In the weeks and months that followed, Ray became a father to me, correcting me, encouraging me, and teaching me. I was a newborn in Christ and no one had a better shepherd and leader to help them mature in those first critical years of new life than I had in Ray Nethery…the man who walks with God. In addition to his guidance, Ray modeled what it meant to be a devoted follower and representative of Jesus Christ in every area of life – whether it was his marriage (to our mother Eunice – Eunice has hundreds of devoted children!) or his winsome interactions with unbelievers and skeptics, or his constant active reliance on the Lord to guide him through the sometimes tempestuous ebb and flow of life at Grace Haven, Ray’s actions consistently demonstrated what following Jesus Christ looked like. …And, speaking of Grace Haven, Ray, along with other of his fellow former Campus Crusade colleagues, launched and led this world class discipleship center patterned after Francis Schaeffer’s L’Abri in Huemoz, Switzerland. Ray’s love for his Lord and the young men and women made in God’s image motivated him to carefully craft and create a heaven on earth for young people who were starved for God. When I visited Grace Haven Farm in 1973, I didn’t just hear about Jesus Christ, I met Jesus, I encountered Jesus, I was healed by Jesus, and I was loved by Jesus…because Ray Nethery said “yes” to his Lord. The treasured memories of Grace Haven that I will forever carry in my heart, from the warm and happy dinners we enjoyed together every night in each of the four Grace Haven houses, to the songs of praise we sang while riding on the hay wagon at the Enzor’s farm, to the frequent visits by great Christian scholars who enlightened our understanding of God and our place in His kingdom…and there are so many, many more…are like the clear melodies of the song of God’s heart, reverberating into eternity. And to my dear brothers and sisters at Grace Haven with whom I was privileged to share this bit of heaven so long ago now, I love you with all my heart and soul. We will again enjoy Swiss chard and Connie’s stew together at the marriage supper of the Lamb. We will be together again! Although I do not now have the capacity to adequately express my profound gratitude to Ray Nethery, or to convey the deep love and respect I have for him, I do commit him and his wonderful family to Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the Sheep, with thanksgiving and praise! Ray Nethery is…the man who walks with God.