Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dear Nimrod

Dear Nimrod: A person can say that good is bad and bad is good; that men are women and women are men; that human beings are autonomous, self-defining, evolving organisms who don’t need their Creator or the companionship of others. Though you were to spend a thousand years constructing such an edifice to your humanist version of reality, you will never succeed, nor will it ever come to be…because you have done so in defiance of Almighty God who is the Beginning and End of all things. I urge you to remember three things: 1) You are accountable to Almighty God, and will give account to Him for your life. 2) If you’re not prepared to die, you’re not prepared to live. 3) There is one path to forgiveness and reconciliation with God, and that is the substitutionary punishment and death of Jesus Christ which He endured for you because He loves you. This is also the only means of restoration of your true, God-ordained purpose as a human being made in God’s image. Will you respond to His call in your life, or will you continue to harden your heart against Him and ignore Him to your own destruction? The choice is yours.